The Benefits and Drawbacks of Christian Homeschooling

Homeschool Christian homeschooling mother and child

I have been homeschooled for eleven out of my twelve academic years. In fifth grade, I attended a Christian school in West Virginia for a year, showing me what an American school was like, but I haven’t attended a “real” school since, leaving me as a homeschooler for the last six years in a row. I have been taught by over 6 different teachers, taken over 5 different curriculums, and attended two different online schools, one of which I am still with.

I am, without a doubt, a homeschooler. Good luck trying to debate otherwise.

Of course, life as a homeschooler has had its highs and lows. Sometimes, you feel on top of the world, but then life comes and smacks you on the back of the head. One of the most common misconceptions (yeah, we’re good at dealing with those, aren’t we) about homeschoolers is that we have it easy. This is so untrue it almost becomes humorous. I have several friends within the same online school that I attend, except they are “diploma” students, meaning that they work very hard for high grades and do extra work. Many of them average between 3-6 hours of sleep a night, only taking breaks from school on the weekend. They play no sports and have little free time, yet they are some of the smartest people I know. This level of schooling and pressure turns many “normal” kids into the brightest students in the country.

Life as a homeschooler has had its highs and lows. Sometimes, you feel on top of the world, but then life comes and smacks you on the back of the head.

Another benefit to homeschooling is the freedom within curriculums. While public/private schoolers aren’t allowed to chose their style of learning, homeschoolers are given this privilege. If I used a curriculum that didn’t suit my style of learning, I would change the next semester if given the opportunity. This not only gives me freedom but also an increased chance at truly learning my chosen subjects, instead of just cramming for exams.

An additional benefit to Christian homeschooling in particular is found within the spare time. While many public/private schoolers have to wake up very, very early in the morning to prepare, Christian homeschoolers can spend the time reading the Bible or journaling.

The final benefit to homeschoolers can be found within the increased chances for field-trips. As a homeschooling MK, I see things on a daily basis that would be counted as full field-trips within the United States. This chance is often available to all homeschoolers; if the parents wish to take their children to, for example, the museum, they can do so of their own free will, and it will count towards the student’s grades. Homeschooling, as a general rule, usually ends up being a more hands-on approach, which can be beneficial depending on the child’s personality.

Homeschooling is not without its drawbacks, unfortunately. While the aforementioned benefits far outweigh the consequences, there are some disappointing things I have discovered about my manner of schooling, especially within the last year.

The first of these is the lack of a real teacher. I take online courses at the Veritas Scholars Academy (shoutout to my VSA readers), including Algebra II. I have, to my misfortune, discovered it to be extremely difficult to learn math from a teacher on a computer screen. While my teacher is fantastic (I see you, Sir Haarhoff), and it isn’t his fault, I still find it very hard to learn Algebra. The only reason I have found, so far, is because I can’t ask quick questions whenever they pop into my mind. In a real school, the average student would have the opportunity to do this, putting him slightly ahead of me in the mathematical categories.

Another difficulty I have found lies within my schooling device- a computer. My computer is fantastic, but it is so easy to become distracted, whether by innocently reading up on sports or playing a video game at an odd hour. If I hadn’t carefully worked on my computer settings, there would be dozens of things popping onto my computer screen per day, ready to distract me from my schoolwork.

The third and final drawback to homeschooling is over-flexibility. When I went to the private school in West Virginia, school always began at the same time unless there was a two-hour delay because of snow. On the other hand, many homeschooling families can be rather lax, forgoing a fixed starting time in favor of more freedom. This isn’t inherently wrong, but without some rigidity, it can be very easy for a homeschooling student to become rather lazy. I, personally, have been an example of this, and would still be if not for some rules my parents implemented while I was in 8th grade.

Homeschooling has been an amazing privilege and I would not trade it for anything else. It has given me opportunities and lessons that I would not have learned in a public/private school, and for that I am grateful. A round of applause to my wonderful parents and their wise decision in homeschooling me.

Alright, that’s all for today. Thanks for reading! I hope you enjoyed this post. If you feel I have left something out, leave me a note in the comment section below and I will add it in (and give you a shoutout). In the meantime, make sure you’ve clicked that Follow button below (or to the side), so that you can receive emails when I publish new content. Thanks again, and I hope you have a fantastic day!

Shoutout to Noah McFarland for requesting this post. Love you, bro.

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18 thoughts on “The Benefits and Drawbacks of Christian Homeschooling

  1. Timoth

    As a homeschooler, I agree with all of these. 🙂 One drawback I would add is that most Christian homeschoolers are sheltered to some degree. Thus when they enter into the “real” world running rampant with sin, often times a new sight for Christian homeschoolers in their first yr. of college, it makes it harder to stand firm against the temptations of the flesh. This change, if expected, can be to some extent an easier transition, then if it was not expected.
    Great Post!

    Liked by 2 people

      1. Timoth

        I can see that. I suppose it is a little bit of a drawback in the sense of not knowing how to handle some of the issues we will eventually come across and a benefit in the sense of being protected from the world during some of our most formative years.

        Liked by 2 people

      2. Yep, I would say homeschooling and the protectiveness that comes with it actually can cause us to be more rooted and grounded when we face the world, especially if it’s done correctly. Not to mention God definitely honors a parent’s desire to raise their children in the nurture and admonition of the Lord instead of submitting their parenthood to a teacher who may or may not be a strong believer.


  2. I would also add the fact that we tend to be more comfortable around adults and less comfortable around our peers…which, in my opinion, sets us up for success in a sense. I completely relate to everything you said in the post, especially the algebra part…I did a lot better with Algebra 2 than 1 partly because I switched from computer to books (which eliminates that pesky distraction and provides a better math learning environment) and because I had some algebra background before I started Algebra 2, unlike 1. Great post!

    Liked by 2 people

  3. This was an awesome post, Elisha! I’ve been an online homeschooler since kindergarten and I’m so grateful that my parents have allowed me to be educated this way. Although there definitely are drawbacks (especially since I’m a part of a public online school), it has allowed me to grow in my relationship with God, develop other hobbies, and stay close to my family. It’s been an amazing journey and I cannot wait for my graduation year!


  4. Isabel Eleison

    Haha thanks Noah ;-P Yess this is very much relatable, I struggle with the same problems but also enjoyed the flexibility of my schedule. I started taking three of my classes at public school this year, which has given me an opportunity to see the best and worst of both worlds. It’s nice to have regularly scheduled classes at school, I find that I start wasting time quickly when I go to work on VSA homework. However, I love the homeschool community so much and am not planning on leaving Veritas soon 🙂

    Liked by 1 person

  5. Ahhhh homeschooling. I mainly love it, I do think seeing friends at school would be fun but other than that, homeschooling has been awesome for me! I love the flexibility but I definitely am glad I have co-op on Thursdays to kind of keep me accountable, otherwise I procrastinate a lot xD. I love watching homeschoolers stereotype videos on yt, they’re hilarious 😂
    Enjoyed this post!

    Liked by 1 person

  6. Pingback: Throwback Saturday: John MacArthur and the Positions of the Church – Africa Boy

  7. Grace Nelson

    Great job! I can relate to all of this so well. People think we have it easy, but we do not necessarily have it easy. People here have thought that I sleep all day. I guess I am the first homeschooler they have met. xD

    Liked by 1 person

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